Loretta Aragon Spaulding

Loretta Aragon Spaulding,
Ma. Ed.
Email : loretta.spaulding@nancyakhavanconsulting.com
Loretta Aragon Spaulding has spent over 30 years as an educator and instructional leader in schools from preschool to high school and higher education. These educational settings include public, private, and online. She has been a K-12 educational leader in urban, suburban, and rural schools leading improvement efforts resulting in dramatic changes in school climate and improved academic achievement.
She has extensive experience providing support to staff which includes: training in the implementation of the Common Core State Standards in math and Language Arts; designing and delivering a variety of professional development programs; developing and implementing a 1:1 Laptop program; creating, delivering and supporting improvement efforts for English Learners; knowledgeable in aligning curriculum, instruction, assessment; leading data analysis conversations and developing data analysis systems to improve instructional practices.
She also has vast experience in coaching teachers at the elementary, middle school and high school in a variety of curricular areas with an emphasis in English language arts, math, English Language Development, writing and Social Emotional Learning.