Virginia Brensel

Virginia Brensel has spent 20 years as an educator in Tulare County, CA. She is currently a teacher in Lindsay, CA. Lindsay is a small town on the east side of the Central Valley. The student population consists of a large group of English language learners, migrant students, as well as students living below the poverty level.
Through her work in Lindsay she has earned special certifications in writing, English language development, literature circles, small group reading, and STEM education. She is a nationally certified STEM educator. She has an MS in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Scranton. The focus of her final project for this degree was technology integration for implementation in a rural community with a high number of students working below grade level proficiency.
Through technology students have become proficient in accelerating their education in order to quickly meet grade level standards. In addition to striving to provide the best education to the students she serves, she strives to ensure that all educators are equipped with the tools to meet the needs of their diverse students. It is her belief teachers must be able to successfully teach all students to read and write at grade level. These subject areas are the keys to unlocking a future of any child’s choice. It is her philosophy that through an amazing education all students can achieve success.